Home Entertainment Yuletide Disaster: These Real-Life Grinches Ruined The Holidays

Yuletide Disaster: These Real-Life Grinches Ruined The Holidays

Monica December 6, 2023

Christmas is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year. But that doesn’t always end up being the case thanks to those certain special people in our lives. When these people ruined the holidays, it felt like the end of the world. You might even know a Grinch or two in real life, who managed to ruin the one holiday that is supposed to be full of cheer and happiness.

So we curated a list of people who are real-life Grinches who ruined the holidays for the other people in their lives. If you spot a real-life Grinch around the holidays this year, make sure to run far away so they don’t ruin your magical day. Check out these real-life Grinches who ruined the holidays for everyone else here.


The Crying Ex

When this youg woman and her ex broke up just before the holidays, she thought she’d have a quiet Christmas filled with family time. But that’s not what happened. After agreeing to spend Christmas separately, she thought she’d dodged a bullet. But when she and her family sat down to open presents, something else happened. She said, “My mum’s phone started ringing: It was my ex calling my mum. He was crying outside my front door. He’d turned up with absolutely no forewarning whatsoever. He was drunk and his mum had brought him to come and talk to me.” There’s certainly a time and a place to have a serious conversation with your ex, and it’s not during the present hour on Christmas (via Vice).


Free Babysitter

Just because it’s Christmas, doesn’t mean everyone suddenly became a Saint. Not only did this person want a free babysitter on Christmas, but they sounded like they didn’t care who it was. Why would they ask for a stranger to watch their kids over the holidays, and for free? It’s concerning. No one cares if they haven’t seen their relatives in a long time, and even if they did, they should bring their kids along to visit them, at the very least (via Reddit).


Decades-Old Decorations

Reusing old decorations is a great way to reduce, reuse, and recycle. There’s nothing wrong with reusing old things, especially when it’s something you only use once per year. But even decorations have a time stamp. This Reddit user’s neighbors have used the same decorations for the past 20 years. We can’t imagine they’d have much sparkle or shine and are probably a bit dull in appearance. It’s time this Reddit user spoke to their neighbor about their Christmas decorations (via Reddit)


Tried To Guilt Trip

Why is this single mom making this random person feel guilty for not lowering the price? They’re already getting a great deal. The fact they tried to haggle them for some homemade jewelry is also pretty ridiculous. They even went so far as to say, “Does it feel good knowing you ruined two kid’s Christmases?” At least this Redditor had a fantastic response and blatantly told them they didn’t care about their Christmas (via Reddit).


The Functioning Alcoholic

While it’s fun to enjoy a drink or two on Christmas, some relatives take it overboard. This Reddit user sharesd their dire experience involving their older brother on Christmas, who also happens to be a functional alcoholic. He “Took some unresolved issues out on my 12-year-old son who previously adored my brother for no reason any witness could figure out. After the interaction all my son wanted for Christmas was to leave my brother’s house. We did. My brother did this in front of his new son-in-law which kind of threw things off for them as well and messed up the rest of the family’s Christmas.” They left Christmas more brokenhearted than not, and with less hope for their family’s generation (via Reddit).


Say Goodbye To $3,000

This Reddit user’s mother decided to go to the casino on Christmas Eve instead of spending the day with her family, which is exactly something a true Grinch would do. She blew through $3,000 and used up the rest of her husband’s credit on his credit card. To make matters worse, they’ve been living in poverty for more than two decades so it only dug them into a deeper hole (via Reddit).


Drunk By Noon

In many families, there’s a decent (or even likely) chance you’ll see some of your family members drunk more often than not on Christmas. So when this Reddit user’s brother got drunk by noon and managed to kick a hole through two walls, they knew their holiday cheer was long gone. It’s good they seemed to have managed to turn it around, though (via Reddit).


Christmas In The Hospital

Niall had a disastrous Christmas that landed him in the hospital. On Christmas Eve, he went to his step-brother’s room and started banging on his door and singing Christmas carols loudly and annoyingly. He said, “My step-brother opened his bedroom door, told me to shut up, and then slammed the door in my face. The bottom of his wooden door met perfectly with the big toenail on my right foot and ripped it clean off. It was hanging off by a tiny thread of my nail matrix. I spent the first hours of Christmas Day getting about the hospital in a wheelchair with my dad waiting to get it dressed and bandaged.” At least he didn’t have to spend the night in the hospital and had the rest of the day to celebrate, even though he was probably writhing in agony (via Vice).


It’s Only $12

It’s ridiculous that this person didn’t want to spend $12 on their channel, especially during the holiday season. In the grand scheme of things, it’s not even that much money. They tried to get this person to design artwork for free. They wanted to hire them and just give them a simple shoutout on their channel, and they don’t even have one thousand subscribers. To make matters worse, they tried to guilt-trip them into doing it for free (via Reddit).


One Night Out

This Reddit user’s sister saved up a bunch of money to buy her kid’s Christmas presents. But she messed it all up during one night out at the bar all thanks to a random dude she’d been texting for six months. To try to make amends, this Reddit user bought her kids $300 each in presents. The five-year-old wasn’t too happy with his box of clothes, saying “Really?” when he opened it. It sounds like a disastrous Christmas. Let’s hope his sister learned a valuable lesson from the time she ruined the holidays and doesn’t mess it up again (via Reddit).


That’s Not The Bathroom

When this gentleman named George went to the pub on Christmas Eve, he thought he’d go for just one drink. But one drink turned into several, and by the time he got home, he was completely drunk. He thought he’d had a normal night out until the next morning, when his mom said, “Do you know what you did last night?” He said no. George went on to say, “Apparently during the night, I’d got up while sleepwalking and gone to go to the toilet. But I’d gone into my brother’s room instead, where he was asleep with his girlfriend. So I just go into the corner of the room and start peeing.

My brother’s girlfriend wakes up, she thinks I’m my brother, so she’s like, “Will, what are you doing?”, then she realizes that I’m peeing in the room so she screams. My brother wakes up, and he’s like “What are you doing, get out of my room!” I go back to bed, blissfully unaware of what happened.” Luckily, he had no recollection of the experience (via Vice).


The Ungrateful Wife

Some people need a reality check, like this Reddit user’s wife. He went out and bought her a roll-up practice piano because she’d mentioned how she wanted to learn. Instead of being thankful for the gesture, she responded with frustration and anger. He said, “After some heavy sighs she rolled it back up, put it back in the box, put the box on the floor, then spent the rest of the day at the neighbors. All I wanted was to spend Christmas with my family and I ended up spending it alone on the couch watching YouTube videos feeling like garbage.” Anyone would be lucky to have a piano, she’s just acting like the real-life Grinch (via Reddit).


The Cheater

There worse than your significant other cheating on you. But when it happens with your best friend, on Christmas, it’s a recipe for disaster. This Reddit user said, “My now ex-girlfriend ruined it for me by leaving me for my best friend after I had already bought presents.” They went so far as to ask them for a ride to work the next day, too. How disrespectful! (via Reddit).


Not The Right Xbox

This Reddit user’s younger brother got an Xbox S instead of an Xbox X. Sometimes, kids need to learn they’re lucky to get anything at all instead of throwing a Christmas tantrum (via Reddit).


Last-Minute Shopping

We understand needing to grab a thing or two the day before Christmas. Sometimes, you just don’t have enough time to get all the presents you need to get in time. But it sounds like this person waited until Christmas day to get their kid a huge present and it was a car. They even went so far as to blame them and guilt trip them into not giving them the car for a discounted price. That’s your fault, lady, not this person (via Reddit).


Canceling Christmas Over $20

This person dared to not only blame this random person for not negotiating a cheaper price, but they decided to cancel Christmas for $20. It makes no sense for this person to dig something out of their home and drive it over for 10 bucks. At least they stuck to their decision and didn’t cave for a cheaper price (via Reddit).


The Wrong Kind Of Quality Time

There are tons of ways to spend quality time with your kids but playing video games probably isn’t one of them. It sounds like this person doesn’t know any other way to spend quality time with their kids except with an expensive PS4. It’s unfortunate. At least someone on the internet shed some light on how other kids need food and clothes. Overall, it was a ridiculous request for this person to ask for a PS4. Maybe they need to reconsider how they raise their kids. There’s something called the great outdoors, after all (via Reddit).


The Fall And The Flash

When Fleur hre was 23 years old, her mom had a difficult, booze-fueled Christmas. Fleur was at her dad and stepmom’s house, who are pretty conservative, quiet people. She said, “Then we heard the clip-clopping of drunkenly staggering heels, and it was my mum. My mum had gotten hammered and then put on one of my sister’s going-out dresses, like this proper tight little black dress. She rang the doorbell and came in and introduced herself, slurring all over the place, then just fell onto the sofa and flashed everyone. I blocked it out mentally for years because it was just the most embarrassing moment of my life.” It sounds like her mom was dealing with a lot of emotions during Christmas and dealt with it in one of the most embarrassing ways possible (via Vice).


Using Facebook Friends As A Bank

Instead of putting away money into a savings account and using that to buy gifts, this person decided to turn to their Facebook friends to fund their Christmas gifts. And it wasn’t like they were asking for money for clothes or food, they were asking for a PlayStation. There’s no way anyone is going to freely send over money for a PlayStation, lady (via Reddit).


The Nightmare Parent

This kid made a group chat asking kids and parents for $20 each so they could buy Airpods. You’d think it was a mistake or done innocently. One of the parents tried to contact his parent to let them know what they’re kid was doing. Instead of being met with an apology, they were met with rudeness and blame. The parent went so far as to say they ruined their kid’s Christmas. It shows they’re raising a spoiled kid (via Reddit).


Give It To Me For Me

This person asked for a Christmas present solely because “they are them.” It isn’t a freebie! This person is trying to sell something for a cheaper price and make some money for their item, not give it away for free just because it’s Christmas. Some people have a ton of nerve (via Reddit)


The Younger Brother’s Joke

This Reddit user’s younger brother snuck vodka from their grandpa’s liquor cabinet and proceeded to drink way too much. This led to concern from their grandparents after he puked on the floor. But it didn’t end there; far from it, in fact. He then proceeded to wrap a gift to their mom, wrapped in baby clothes, and falsely signed as the Reddit user and her partner. Not only was the family shocked, but her boyfriend freaked out and thought she was pregnant. That’s one way to ruin a person’s Christmas (via Reddit).


Ruining The Gift

This father accidentally ruined Christmas by blurting out the present idea in front of this Reddit user’s mother. They said, “he just blurted out the gift as if it was a part of the story. part of me thinks he did it on purpose but I also don’t know… I was excited about this gift cause she had told me months prior she wanted it for Christmas and I knew she forgot.” Well, now the surprise is all over thanks to the father who couldn’t keep it a secret (via Reddit).


In The Spirit Of Xmas

This person wanted a phone for free, all in the name of Christmas spirit. We understand wanting a new phone for Christmas, but asking a stranger to sell it to you for free is ridiculous. This person is entitled. At least this Reddit user didn’t cave and give their phone away for free. What’s with all these Grinches and their desire for freebies? (via Reddit).


Stressed Out At Dinner

Cooking for a group of people is stressful enough. This Reddit user’s friend couldn’t handle the stress, and instead of asking for help, decided to bask in the stress and yell at everyone, “while the rest of us drank wine in strained conversations. It took hours and hours and then he didn’t even eat things and just kinda watched us eat then kinda got all annoyed again.” Not only was it very uncomfortable, but this person now believes they have food poisoning. What a very un-merry Christmas (via Reddit).


Cheated On During A Video Game

Victoria was helping prepare Christmas dinner with her mother-in-law when she went to check on her husband, who was on the computer. She caught him on video chat with some other girl. When she asked who it was, her husband said it was his friend called Jenna who he liked. He said he wasn’t cheating, and it was just a friend. She went on to say, “Literally the day after Christmas I’m on the iPad and I see there’s a new YouTube playlist called “Sam and Jenna game time” or something. He just kept gaslighting me, saying “I can’t have friends? Like why are you doing this?” I was like, you’re in a whole relationship with this bird. The divorce went through in March 2020. So yeah, I’m happily divorced.” She’s embarrassed and heartbroken, to say the least (via Vice).


The Family Wish List

This person went to Facebook to list her family’s Christmas wishlist, in the hopes that someone would take the liberty to buy them gifts. Who does she think is going to go out and buy them gifts? Even if there is a Christmas spirit, people have their own family’s to focus on (via Reddit)


Name-Calling As A Last Resort

When this seller wouldn’t reduce the price of their piano, this person resorted to name calling and blaming, calling them a scammer. We don’t see anything scammy in this conversation. It looks like this person needs to get another job if they want to fully enjoy Christmas without any monetary stress instead of blaming an innocent person (via Reddit).


The Highly Needy Housesitter

At first, this person looks like they’re genuinely trying to help people out. But after they kept listing their needs, we learned they’re quite needy. They went on to say they needed a fully stocked pantry, a pool, and access to a car. We’re sorry to tell you, lady, but no one is going to give this to you. Good luck trying (via Reddit).


Looking For A Maid

This person is trying to sell their Christmas tree…right after Christmas. Not only that, but they want someone to buy the tree, and then come in and remove the lights and the tree from their living room. It sounds like they just want someone to clean up after them and even pay them for it. We’re onto you! (via Reddit).
